Results for 'Andreas E. Kapogiannopoulos'

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  1. Ho erōs hōs biologikon kai koinōnikon problēma.Andreas E. Kapogiannopoulos - 1970
  2. Hē poreia tēs iatrikēs nootropias.Andreas E. Kapogiannopoulos - 1975 - [s.n.],:
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    Navigating the social world: Toward an integrated framework for evaluating self, individuals, and groups.Andrea E. Abele, Naomi Ellemers, Susan T. Fiske, Alex Koch & Vincent Yzerbyt - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (2):290-314.
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    Pursuit of communal values in an agentic manner: a way to happiness?Andrea E. Abele - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Consciousness: states, mechanisms and disorders.Andrea E. Cavanna & Andrea Nani (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Novinka.
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    Language Processing as Cue Integration: Grounding the Psychology of Language in Perception and Neurophysiology.Andrea E. Martin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Emergence of I.Andreas E. Masvie - 2020 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):90-111.
    Among the ancients, there was no proper conception of the I. Yet an I emerges in ancient Israel. I therefore inquire into the philosophical anthropology of ancient Israel. How did the I emerge? By interpreting the Song of Songs as political myth, from which a philosophical anthropology can be unearthed and reconstructed, I theorize that not only an I, but also a different kind of we emerged through gift-dynamics. Then I demonstrate that these gift-dynamics are compatible with the ancient Israelites’ (...)
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    Facets of the Fundamental Content Dimensions: Agency with Competence and Assertiveness—Communion with Warmth and Morality.Andrea E. Abele, Nicole Hauke, Kim Peters, Eva Louvet, Aleksandra Szymkow & Yanping Duan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Demetrios Rhodokanakis als Autor dreier Schriftstücke im Nachlass Karl Krumbachers.Andreas E. Müller - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (1):83-90.
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    ¿No había ‘scriptorium’ en el monasterio de Cartago?Andreas E. J. Grote - 2011 - Augustinus 56 (220):107-113.
    El artículo presenta algunas razones por las que Agustín no menciona ningún scriptorium en esa obra, pese a estar escribiendo a una comunidad monástica. La clave de la respuesta se toma de op. mon. 37.
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    Enhancing Maternal Love?Andrea E. Di Michael Klonschinski E. Di Kühler - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    The origin of consciousness and beyond.Andrea E. Cavanna - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  13. Diptychon.Andreas Ēlia Michalopoulos - 1975
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  14. Dia poion ktypa lypēra hē kampana.Andreas Ēlia Michalopoulos - 1958
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    Die Entwicklung Der Roten. Urkundenselbstbezeichnungen In Den Privilegien Byzantinischer Kaiser.Andreas E. MÜller - 1995 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 88 (1):85-104.
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    Das Testament Des Romanos I. Lakapenos.Andreas E. MÜller - 1999 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 92 (1):68-73.
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    Eine Bislang Wenig Beachtete Klausel Der Kaiserlichen Privilegienurkunde: ΤΟΥ ΜΗΔΕΝΑ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΑΝΤΩΠ ... ΕΠ’ ΑΔΕΙΑΣ ΕΧΕΙΝ.Andreas E. MÜller - 1996 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 89 (2):409-416.
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    Can structural priming answer the important questions about language?Andrea E. Martin, Falk Huettig & Mante S. Nieuwland - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Can positive affect induce self-focused attention? Methodological and measurement issues.Paul J. Silvia & Andrea E. Abele - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (6):845-853.
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    Consideraciones wittgensteinianas a la estructura de las teorías científicas: el caso de la mecánica cuántica. Costa, Andrea E. Rivera & Silvia - 2006 - Manuscrito 29 (1).
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    If the real world were irrelevant, so to speak: The role of propositional truth-value in counterfactual sentence comprehension.Mante S. Nieuwland & Andrea E. Martin - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):102-109.
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    Greater State Capacity, Lesser Stateness:: Lessons from the Peruvian Commodity Boom.Juan Pablo Luna, Andreas E. Feldmann & Eduardo Dargent - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (1):3-34.
    This article analyzes the evolution of state capacity in Peru during the recent commodity boom. Peru’s economic growth happened in a context in which inclusive democratic institutions were at play for the longest period ever registered in the country and at a time when political elites decided to invest considerable resources in developing state capacity. This case illustrates how boom-led economic growth can lead to the institutional strengthening of a weak state. However, state capacity continues to be low in Peru. (...)
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    Consciousness, epilepsy, and emotional qualia.Francesco Monaco, Marco Mula & Andrea E. Cavanna - 2005 - Epilepsy and Behavior 7 (2):150-160.
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    Are Neurocognitive Representations 'Small Cakes'?Olivia Guest & Andrea E. Martin - manuscript
    In order to understand cognition, we often recruit analogies as building blocks of theories to aid us in this quest. One such attempt, originating in folklore and alchemy, is the homunculus: a miniature human who resides in the skull and performs cognition. Perhaps surprisingly, this appears indistinguishable from the implicit proposal of many neurocognitive theories, including that of the 'cognitive map,' which proposes a representational substrate for episodic memories and navigational capacities. In such 'small cakes' cases, neurocognitive representations are assumed (...)
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    Readers detect an low-level phonological violation between two parafoveal words.Michael G. Cutter, Andrea E. Martin & Patrick Sturt - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104395.
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    A theory of relation learning and cross-domain generalization.Leonidas A. A. Doumas, Guillermo Puebla, Andrea E. Martin & John E. Hummel - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (5):999-1041.
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    You are so kind – and I am kind and smart: Actor – Observer Differences in the Interpretation of On-going Behavior.Bogdan Wojciszke, Susanne Bruckmüller & Andrea E. Abele - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):394-401.
    : The dual perspective model of agency and communion predicts that observers tend to interpret a target’s behavior more in terms of communion than agency, whereas actors interpret their behavior more in terms of agency. The present research for the first time tests this model in real interactions. Previously unacquainted participants had a short conversation and afterwards rated their own behavior and their interaction partner’s behavior in terms of agency and communion. Supporting the dual perspective model, observers rated the actor’s (...)
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    Hierarchical structure in language and action: A formal comparison.Cas W. Coopmans, Karthikeya Kaushik & Andrea E. Martin - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):935-952.
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    Simon Fidati von Cascia OESA: Augustinische Theologie und Philosophie im späten Mittelalter ; [Willigis Eckermann OSA zum 70. Geburtstag].Carolin M. Oser-Grote, Andreas E. J. Grote & Willigis Eckermann (eds.) - 2006 - Würzburg: Augustinus-Verlag bei Echter.
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    Beef with environmental and quality attributes: Preferences of environmental group and general population consumers in Saskatchewan, Canada. [REVIEW]Ken W. Belcher, Andrea E. Germann & Josef K. Schmutz - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):333-342.
    We attempt to quantify and qualify the preferences of consumers for beef with a number of environmental and food quality attributes. Our goal is to evaluate the viability of a proposed food co-operative based in the Wood River watershed of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. The food co-operative was designed to provide a price premium to producers who adopted alternative management practices. In addition, the study evaluated the acceptance of a proposed food co-operative by consumer that had environmental interests as compared to (...)
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    From Stakeholder Management to Stakeholder Accountability: Applying Habermasian Discourse Ethics to Accountability Research.Andreas Rasche & Daniel E. Esser - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 65 (3):251-267.
    Confronted with mounting pressure to ensure accountability vis-à-vis customers, citizens and beneficiaries, organizational leaders need to decide how to choose and implement so-called accountability standards. Yet while looking for an appropriate standard, they often base their decisions on cost-benefit calculations, thus neglecting other important spheres of influence pertaining to more broadly defined stakeholder interests. We argue in this paper that, as a part of the strategic decision for a certain standard, management needs to identify and act according to the needs (...)
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  32. Il pregiudizio a favore del reale.Carola Barbero E. Venanzio Raspa, Andrea Tabarroni, Marina Manotta, Rosaria Egidi, Albeno Voltolini, Arianna Betti, Francesco Orilia, Mario Alai, Roberto Poli & Francesco Armezzani - 2005 - Torino: rivista di Estetica special Issue.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou von Salomé.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Paul Rée, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Karl Schlechta, Erhart Thierbach & Ernst Pfeiffer (eds.) - 1971 - Frankfurt am Main]: Insel Verlag.
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  34. Consumer Perceptions of the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility.Andrea J. S. Stanaland, May O. Lwin & Patrick E. Murphy - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 102 (1):47-55.
    Perceptions of a firm’s stance on corporate social responsibility (CSR) are influenced by its corporate marketing efforts including branding, reputation building, and communications. The current research examines CSR from the consumer’s perspective, focusing on antecedents and consequences of perceived CSR. The findings strongly support the fact that particular cues, namely perceived financial performance and perceived quality of ethics statements, influence perceived CSR which in turn impacts perceptions of corporate reputation, consumer trust, and loyalty. Both consumer trust and loyalty were also (...)
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    What is adaptive about adaptive decision making? A parallel constraint satisfaction account.Andreas Glöckner, Benjamin E. Hilbig & Marc Jekel - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):641-666.
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  36. Macroeconomics and the Real World: Volume 2: Keynesian Economics, Unemployment, and Policy.Roger E. Backhouse & Andrea Salanti (eds.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In these two volumes, a group of distinguished economists debate the way in which evidence, in particular econometric evidence, can and should be used to relate macroeconomic theories to the real world. Topics covered include the business cycle, monetary policy, economic growth, the impact of new econometric techniques, the IS-LM model, the labour market, new Keynesian macroeconomics, and the use of macroeconomics in official documents.
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    Term rewriting theory for the primitive recursive functions.E. A. Cichon & Andreas Weiermann - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 83 (3):199-223.
    The termination of rewrite systems for parameter recursion, simple nested recursion and unnested multiple recursion is shown by using monotone interpretations both on the ordinals below the first primitive recursively closed ordinal and on the natural numbers. We show that the resulting derivation lengths are primitive recursive. As a corollary we obtain transparent and illuminating proofs of the facts that the schemata of parameter recursion, simple nested recursion and unnested multiple recursion lead from primitive recursive functions to primitive recursive functions.
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    Simulations Versus Case Studies: Effectively Teaching the Premises of Sustainable Development in the Classroom.Andrea M. Prado, Ronald Arce, Luis E. Lopez, Jaime García & Andy A. Pearson - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):303-327.
    The systemic complexity of sustainable development imposes a major cognitive challenge to students’ learning. Faculty can explore new approaches in the classroom to teach the topic successfully, including the use of technology. We conducted an experiment to compare the effectiveness of a simulation vis-à-vis a case-based method to teach sustainable development. We found that both pedagogical methods are effective for teaching this concept, although our results support the idea that simulations are slightly more effective than case studies, particularly to teach (...)
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    Processing Differences between Descriptions and Experience: A Comparative Analysis Using Eye-Tracking and Physiological Measures.Andreas Glöckner, Susann Fiedler, Guy Hochman, Shahar Ayal & Benjamin E. Hilbig - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  40. A dispositional theory of possibility.Andrea Borghini & Neil E. Williams - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (1):21–41.
    – The paper defends a naturalistic version of modal actualism according to which what is metaphysically possible is determined by dispositions found in the actual world. We argue that there is just one world—this one—and that all genuine possibilities are anchored by the dispositions exemplified in this world. This is the case regardless of whether or not those dispositions are manifested. As long as the possibility is one that would obtain were the relevant disposition manifested, it is a genuine possibility. (...)
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    Otto Kresten/Andreas E. Müller, Samtherrschaft, Legitimationsprinzip und kaiserlicher Urkundentitel in Byzanz in der ersten Hälfte des 10. Jahrhunderts.Andreas Schminck - 2000 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 93 (2).
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    Left to right: Representational biases for numbers and the effect of visuomotor adaptation.Andrea M. Loftus, Michael E. R. Nicholls, Jason B. Mattingley & John L. Bradshaw - 2008 - Cognition 107 (3):1048-1058.
    Adaptation to right-shifting prisms improves left neglect for mental number line bisection. This study examined whether adaptation affects the mental number line in normal participants. Thirty-six participants completed a mental number line task before and after adaptation to either: left-shifting prisms, right-shifting prisms or control spectacles that did not shift the visual scene. Participants viewed number triplets (e.g. 16, 36, 55) and determined whether the numerical distance was greater on the left or right side of the inner number. Participants demonstrated (...)
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    Writing content predicts benefit from written expressive disclosure: Evidence for repeated exposure and self-affirmation.Andrea N. Niles, Kate E. Byrne Haltom, Matthew D. Lieberman, Christopher Hur & Annette L. Stanton - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (2):258-274.
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    A Bridge Between Q-Worlds.Andreas Döring, E. V. A. Benjamin & Masanao Ozawa - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):447-486.
    Quantum set theory (QST) and topos quantum theory (TQT) are two long running projects in the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) that share a great deal of conceptual and technical affinity. Most pertinently, both approaches attempt to resolve some of the conceptual difficulties surrounding QM by reformulating parts of the theory inside of nonclassical mathematical universes, albeit with very different internal logics. We call such mathematical universes, together with those mathematical and logical structures within them that are pertinent to (...)
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    Alternative strategies of categorization.Edward E. Smith, Andrea L. Patalano & John Jonides - 1998 - Cognition 65 (2-3):167-196.
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    Sepharad in Ashkenaz: Medieval Knowledge and Eighteenth-Century Enlightened Jewish Discourse.Irene E. Zwiep, Andrea Schatz & Resianne Smidt van Gelder-Fontaine (eds.) - 1858 - Edita-the Publishing House of the Royal.
    Medieval Sephardi literature was a catalytic presence in the Jewish intellectual landscape of the eighteenth century. In _Sepharad in Ashkenaz_, a celebrated group of contributors provides the first, comprehensive evaluation of the medieval Sephardi canon in the Ashkenazi world. These essays explore the introduction of Sephardi texts into Jewish discourse, the Ashkenazi reception of the Sephardi masters, and the resulting literary innovations that forever changed Jewish scholarship. Through a series of case studies and analyses of works by Maimonides, Spinoza, and (...)
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    Efficient conditioned inhibition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response with massed training.Andrea M. Allan, John E. Desmond, Ellen R. Stockman, Anthony G. Romano, John W. Moore, Christopher H. Yeo & I. Steele-Russell - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (5):321-324.
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2002.Joel Andreas, Richard Berk, Fred Block, Davis John Bowen, Ann E. Bowler, Lisa Brush, Bruce J. Caldwell, Greensboro Bruce G. Carruthers, Thomas Gold & Berkeley Mark Granovetter - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (1):151-152.
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    Self perception and facial emotion perception of others in anorexia nervosa.Andrea Phillipou, Larry A. Abel, David J. Castle, Matthew E. Hughes, Caroline Gurvich, Richard G. Nibbs & Susan L. Rossell - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A Framework for Ethical Research and Innovation.Andreas Pyka, Alan E. Singer & Harold Paredes-Frigolett - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-40.
    In this contribution, we set out a framework for ethical research and innovation. Our framework draws upon recent scholarly work recommending the introduction of new models at the intersection of ethics, strategy, and science and technology studies to inform and explicate how the decisions of researchers can be considered ethical. Ethical research and innovation is construed in our framework as a dynamic process emerging from decisions of multiple stakeholders in innovation ecosystems prior to, during and after the execution of a (...)
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